Edging Ideas for Gravel – Great For Your Landscaping

Whether you’re looking for landscaping design ideas or gravel edging ideas, there are some key things to keep in mind. While gravel is the traditional choice for landscaping gravel driveways, not everyone likes the look. This is especially true if you’re attempting to incorporate a more modern landscaping theme with a classic garden. However, gravel does have its own advantages that make it a great option for most landscaping design projects.
One of the most obvious gravel edging ideas is for landscaping drainage. If you have a slope or an area with a slight decline, gravel is an excellent choice for landscaping drainage because it limits runoff and ensures that water does not pool at the foot of the slope. Alternately, you might prefer a softer gravel edging that blends into the soil much more naturally; alternatively, you might instead choose concrete, metal, or stone edging for more of a clean line and minimal debris. Another use is as a channel water draining system on an inclined driveway on which plants can be grown without drowning. This is another use for gravel that is not quite as obvious, but which can have huge benefits.
One of the other uses for gravel is as another layer of protection for gardens. Because gravel has no particular pattern or texture, it makes an excellent choice as a weed barrier. It does this by limiting the access of weeds to a growing plant and, when weeds do get to the plant, they are cut down without harming the root system. In this way, gravel can serve two purposes: it limits erosion and it provides support for garden edging ideas.
A third possible application is as a garden hose. Gravel designed to be used as a garden hose is especially useful for back garden landscaping. Because those are not very intrusive when used on landscaping edges, they allow you to experiment with a wider variety of garden design layouts without the worry of damaging the landscaping. Simply use a smaller gravel with an attractive design embedded in it and you will create a design which adds interest to your back garden, whilst acting as a means of water control.
Landscape edging ideas can also be influenced by the function of the gravel in your garden. If you want to keep some greenery in, then you can order your garden using large gravel slabs, which will stop grass growing through them. Similarly, if you are thinking of ways to separate a pond or a fountain from your flowerbed, then large gravel will be an ideal way of doing this. Landscaping with large gravel works best on landscaping borders, as it stops the grass and other plants from growing directly over the graveled area. Landscaping with smaller gravel may well work in landscaping borders, but the texture of smaller gravel tends to wash away on larger areas, leaving bare rocks and dead plant roots in the middle.
The primary use for gravel in a garden is to act as a form of sediment, to hold soil in place or as a barrier to prevent access. As it is difficult to walk on gravel, it may be best to plant a few trees or shrubs close to the base of the gravel. This will give a nice visual effect, but does nothing to challenge the use of the gravel as a source of sediment or protection from other elements in the garden. If you do not have any neighbours, however, then you can leave the trees and shrubs to look after themselves.
In colder climates, where the soil may freeze during winter, gravel edging ideas for landscaping can include the use of crushed limestone or marble. Limestone is a fine powder and as it turns into hard chalk when it is thawed, it acts as a natural border. Crumbled limestone can be laid in between beds or alongside pathways. You should not use limestone that is already moist though, because it may damage the delicate bark of plants that grow on it. Marble, while not too porous, is often used to line pathways and patios as it makes a nice and sturdy border.
There are a variety of other materials that can be used for landscaping gravel. However, it is best to keep in mind that most landscaping gravel is generally quite coarse and hard, and is therefore best used in conjunction with other types of gravel such as stone or granite. This makes for attractive and durable borders that you can be proud of.