Black Lily – Is It Good?

The Black Lily exhibits similar characteristics as the Black Lily, but in a slightly different way. They too were introduced into South America to control erosion, this works both ways though. This variety was developed initially for landscaping with flowers, with the Black Lily proving popular due to its alluring and striking colours. The Black Lily has now established itself as a separate plant and is slowly gaining a reputation as one of the most stunning landscaping flowers available.
The Black Lily has its origins in the Lily family and is closely related to the Lily of the Valley and the Garden Lily. The flowers have a broadly rounded flower shape and are commonly described as variegated. Some varieties are more variegated than others, and it is possible to distinguish between the two by paying close attention to their flower forms. The Black Lily is yet no different from any other lily, in that it requires constant care to look after, thrives best in a rich soil with good drainage, thrives on manure and will grow just about everywhere.
The Black Lily comes in a number of different varieties. The Black Lily Aronia, Black Lily Bells and the Black Lily Carnation are all subspecies of the common Black Lily. All differ somewhat in shape, coloration, flowers, petals and growth habit, but are relatively common. The Carnation variety forms the majority of the Black Lily plants currently available. It has smaller flowers than the Bells and Black Lily, forming somewhat of a cross with them, and grows up to three feet tall.
The Lily aronia forms a large part of the Black Lily family and is also known as the Lily of the Nile in the British culture. This flower is quite rare, being only found in the fertile rivers of southern Egypt. In some parts of this country it has also been found growing in Australia. It has a very attractive glossy dark red/black flower, with a long narrow white stamens.
The Lily Carnation blooms in the late summer, and forms a peachy pink flower with multiple petals. It is a popular flower for gardens as it is a great ground cover, able to soak up rainwater, and will form a lush network of greenery around your plants. This blooming flower has big stamens which can be seen clearly against a backdrop of greenery. It forms a large cluster in the early spring, blooming again in autumn, and again in the late winter. Each year around these plants get larger.
The Black Lily is a great ground cover perennial that can grow up to two feet high. It needs a cool shady area as it is a shade tolerant plant. It can also cope well in drier soil but does not do well in dry, sunny areas. They are happiest in southern areas where the temperature is around 60 degrees. They love lots of sun but can tolerate some shade. This flowering perennial is very pretty and forms a beautiful bed if planted in a border.
The Black Lily are very hardy plants and can cope with most conditions. They do not need annual maintenance, and although they do not flower their throats remain long after the other flowers have died back. Their foliage remains green and vibrant all year round. They do not tolerate heavy frost, and will flower later than other varieties if the frost is severe, although they will flower again the following year.
The Black Lily is an ideal plant for people that like the exotic, but don’t want the high maintenance of annuals. The Lily are extremely resistant to soil compaction and cannot be damaged by either salt or chlorine. Some varieties of these plants can survive in low-titanium and low-chlorine water conditions. Black Lily are very easy to grow from seed, although some bulbs can take over four years before they begin to flower.