Different Varieties of the Lilium Plant

The Lilium plant belongs to the mint family and is a member of the cucumber and tomato family. It is a cold hardy plant that is a part of the ornamental cabbage family. This versatile plant grows in different parts of the world. Lilies are commonly used in landscaping because they can grow up to five feet tall and can bloom year round. Lilies can be found in a wide variety of colors and can easily blend into any type of landscaping or flower garden.

The lilium plant has many characteristics that make it a favorite for landscaping with flowers. It grows quite fast and can grow up to ten feet tall with very nice flowers. Many people prefer the dwarf varieties because they are easier to care for, they are more compact than the standard bulbs and they do not require a great deal of upkeep. The bulbs are also easy to maintain and will produce blooms throughout the year.

One of the best things about the lilium plant is that it produces flowers that are up to three times larger in size than most other bulbs. These flowers are called longiflorum. The longiflorum bulbs are available in different colors depending on the type of flower they are and can be found in the colors of white, pink, yellow, orange, purple, blue, green, brown and even black. The longiflorum flowers look very elegant when they are placed in a clump or group. If you have a small yard where you want to grow some flowers, you should consider growing longiflorum.

The lilium plant produces two types of flower bulbs, the shortiflorum and the longiflorum. The shortiflorum is typically four to five centimeters in length while the longiflorum can grow up to ten centimeters. Both types of flowers are commonly used for landscaping and are known to grow well in many kinds of soil. The longiflorum is easier to grow and produce than the shortiflorum. Most hybrids of the lily plant are tolerant of high levels of fertilizer and require almost no attention to keep them growing well.

This plant is easy to care for and grows best in soils with lots of organic matter. However, the plant does not do well in acidic soils and needs to be fertilized frequently. During the springtime, the flowers will bloom and the Lilies will head for the hills. The flowers are actually the leaves of the plant and grow in a circle shape around the base of the plant.

The Lilium plant blooms in spring. The flower appears to be a mixture of purple and white with dark purple spots sprinkled throughout. The flowers reach a maximum diameter of eight centimeters and have a diameter of three centimeters when fully grown. As the plant matures the flower turns yellow and the leaves drop off. In order for you to get the full effect of this lovely plant, it is important to pick up the flowers and keep them from late summer until early fall.

When buying Lilies for your home, be sure to choose one that blooms in full color all year round. The tulip variety is by far the most popular due to its brilliant colors of yellow, pink and white. The long-stemmed bulbs are available in the forms of long, short, or flat flowers. These flowers are best planted in hanging baskets or large ground pots. It is best to move these plants at the end of the season to ensure that they get enough room to grow and bloom to their fullest.

The Lilium plant is one of the easiest varieties to care for and can be left to bloom on its own for a few weeks before you need to fertilize them. If you move them during this time they will bloom longer and will be a more attractive landscape feature. Many people purchase their bulbs and plants from the nursery that specializes in them. You can also buy a variety of these bulbs online. With a little bit of looking, it should not be hard to find the perfect flowering Lilies for your garden.